Sabtu, 19 November 2011

A Restless Day

Posted on : 20.11.2011
Location : The Centro MetroBroadway 
Photographer : Michael Agung Sukendro

The Making of Yearbook

Theme: Another Snow White Story
Location: Mangrove
Model: Berlin Lee
Photographer: Ricky Doank

 Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest one of all?

An old-witch could've been offer you her delicious tempting apple, but you still have choices. To eat it or to reject it. Life is tough, tougher when you are stupid.

Lots of love.. Berlin lee :)

Kamis, 03 November 2011


Hello, gue baru sempet upload blog nih, hehe. Memasuki bulan November, bulan baru, semangat baru kawan. Gue mau bilang kalau sekarang itu lagi . . . . .

GANDHI CUP #dynamite2011

Gue tau, yang ada dipikiran kalian itu pasti lagu Dynamite nya Taio Cruz *backsound*. Tapi Dynamite itu singkatan dari "Do Yourself in our Nifty and Marvelous Tournament Exhibition." Gak tau kenapa, yang bikin kata-katanya tuh pinter, ya. Hahaha, salut sama OSIS Gandhi, sekolah gue gitu loh. Sekolah gue lagi rame-rame nya dikunjungi sama sekolah-sekolah luar. Jadi kalau lu mau nonton atau sekedar cuci-cuci mata. Dateng ke sekolah GANDHI MEMORIAL NATIONAL SCHOOL aja secepatnya. Tiket masuk murah kok. Hahahaha. Cemungudh teman-teman!

Desain spanduk Gandhi Cup bagus banget! Ya kan?

Gak ketinggalan dong, Band gue "Eighton" buat memeriahkan OPENING Gandhi Cup 2011. Introducing, Me as Vocalist, Jonathan Sebastian as Guitarist, Dennis Gautama as Guitarist 2, Joshua Putera as Bassist, and Nicholas Widjaya as Drummer! :)

STUFFS of the month :)

3 Black Stilettos and The Making of Yearbook 2011-2012 :)

A Mic and Jazz Guitar 

Studded Gloves, A LOMO Camera, Lipstick, Sunglasses, Black Watch, Iphone, Notebook, Social Pen, and Marilyn Monroe Card Edition.

See you on the next post.
Berlin Lee.

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011


Gue sampe lupa sendiri untuk ngenalin diri ke blog gue ini. Nama gue Berlin, gue sekarang baru umur 15 tahun. Cita-cita gue bukan sebagain model, tapi perancang busana. Gue memulai untuk bikin blog sekedar untuk mengenalkan para readers ke dunia imajinasi dan selera gue, dimana gue berbagi ide dan passion dalam hal fashion dan trend. Gaya gue termasuk beda dari temen-temen gue, karena gue bisa dibilang lebih nyentrik. Tapi dari kenyentrikan dan keberanian gue untuk mengeksperimen pakaian dan aksesoris unik, membuat gue lebih mudah untuk mengeksplor ke dalam dunia itu. So, hope you enjoy reading it :)

Gue juga pernah mengikuti LOOK Modelling Class satu setengah tahun yang lalu, nih gua kasih unjuk temen-temen gue yang oke-oke abis. Ada Miss Emeron 2010, Professional Model, wajah FEMINA, GoGirl!look, dan lain-lain. Amin deh, semuanya udah pada sukses. Good luck girls!

Ini salah satu dari design gue, cocktail dress gitu. 

 Apart from designing clothes gue juga suka gambar-gambar beginian di waktu senggang gue.

Sebenernya gue masih punya beberapa karya lain. Tapi gue simpen smua di portfolio. Kapan-kapan gue bakal share sih.
Yak, segini dulu ya guys. See you in the next post!

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

A Saturday Evening at Ilalang PIK

Hari ini gue photoshoot sama 2 photografer baik hati, Randy Affandy dan Ricky Doank. Jg sama (Mitha Komala) dan Nadya Sanjaya, my good friends. They are really stunning. Gue bru bisa ngepost beberapa foto-foto gue. Nyusul ya yang lainnya......

Foto backstage of the day, lol. Panas banget cuacanya. GERAH. PANAS. Itu sebenarnya payung buat motret. Pinjem dlu ya ran, haha.

Theme for today is semi-vintage. Jadi, kita bertiga memutuskan untuk mengenakan baju-baju semi-vintage gitu deh, seperti warna-warna klasik, aksesoris 70s sama sepatu oxford atau mary jane. Anyway, karena foto gua rada ribet dan blom semuanya jadi. Gua cuma ngepost foto-foto temen gua yang cantik-cantik. Hehehe.

Justica Paramitha Komala. Check her blog at

Ini Nadya Sanjaya, body nya kurus selalu berhasil bikin gua ENVY LIKE MUCH :(

Malemnya, gua sama Ricky Doank berdiskusi soal pemotretan selanjutnya di House Of Kiwi..

Kita test motret bentar. Hasilnya lumayan cepet dan oke. Enggak kayak si Randy P: Ngeditnya detail jadi lama banget, man.

Oke, segitu aja kok posts buat hari ini. Thanks for reading :) *berpelukan*

The Beginning

Terinspirasi oleh seorang teman. Gue memutuskan untuk ngebuat blog :)

My First Photoshoot on Taman Menteng, Jakarta. With Locomoto Photography
'Cause when someday you wake up and find that you're missing me. And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I can be. Thinking maybe you come back into the place that we'd meet. Then you will see me waiting for you in the corner of the street.
 You sailed away, into a grey sky morning. Now I'm here to stay, love can be so boring. Nothing's quite the same now, I just say your name now. But it's not so bad. You're just the best I ever had.
 Photoshoot by Randy Affandy. At mini studio right in my house :)
 Gotta find right angles and right expressions. It's just so hard :P
 Taken at a park side in Ancol, Jakarta Utara. The place is so good.
Me without you is like a shoe without lace, a geek without brace, and a sentencewithoutspace :(
 Taken at the Old Town, Jakarta.
 Taken at,  Ancol Bay bridge.
 Taken by Pauline Sudjono at the Central Park, Jakarta. With my pretty friend, Marilyn Ko <3
 With Jenny Arth.

Photoshoot for Data Print Company :)

Taken by Locomoto Photography. 

Feeling the excitement of life, so.. Always smile wide dudes, while you still have teeth :D ! Xoxo.